Northern California PET Imaging Center Selects BEAM Medical Image Network

Seattle, WA (October 01, 2011)

OneMedNet Corporation, provider of BEAM™, an industry-leading, peer-to-peer (P2P) network for securely sharing medical images, was selected by Northern California PET Imaging Center (NCPIC) to reduce turnaround time for transferring very large studies toaffiliated client facilities . NCPIC, a free-standing PET and CT Imaging Center located in Sacramento, CA, serves multiple hospitals in the area and receives numerous requests from these facilities for image comparisons.“The challenge we faced was how to reduce the turnaround time for delivery of studies to our clients for comparisons,” said Jeanette Galvan, Office Manager at NCPIC. “It often took us as long as four days to turnaround a request using CDs, and this was delaying study interpretations and impacting patient care.”NCPIC began the process with a review of strategies to improve their delivery of images to referring sites. They first examined the use of T-1 lines, but found this to be cost-prohibitive with site-specific variations for each requestor.

The second solution explored was the use of a “cloud” repository for delivering images, but this technology also presented several drawbacks, including higher costs, loss of image ownership and security concerns regarding HIPAA compliance.Ultimately, NCPIC looked at the BEAM Network and found this peer-to-peer transfer technology to be fast, cost-effective and secure while allowing them to retain local control of their images.“We chose the BEAM Network because it provides us with a cost-effective, direct, and secure PACS-to-PACS connection for our clients,” Galvan explained. “The images permanently reside in our PACS and we have complete control over who receives the data. The network’s speed improves the patient care our clients are able to deliver and the physicians have a complete patient report with comparisons. Not having to send CDs has also decreased our cost of operation,” Galvan added.The BEAM network is a simple, secure way to provide medical image sharing anywhere around the world over the Internet without a VPN connection. BEAM streamlines medical image sharing and eliminates the hassle of CD and DVD distribution that can cause delays in patient care and create unnecessary expense. With P2P study exchange, BEAM is the most direct and reliable way to share medical files between providers. Whether urgently transferring images for a critically injured trauma patient or a non-urgent referral to a specialist, BEAM makes medical image sharing simple, fast and secure.

About Northern California PET Image Center Northern California PET Imaging Center, a nonprofit corporation, was the nation’s first freestanding non-university PET Center. Patient-oriented service, clinical excellence, and clinical research are an important part of who we are. We are dedicated to bringing our community the most up-to-date diagnostic imaging systems that provide physicians with critical information for the management of their patients. NCPIC continues to be the innovative leader in molecular imaging. Our revolutionary imaging technology not only pushes us to the forefront of diagnostic imaging, but also prepares us for a future in which molecular imaging plays an even greater role in disease diagnosis and management. For more information visit

About OneMedNet Corporation Based in Seattle, WA, OneMedNet Corporation is a service provider offering BEAM™, an industry-leading technology for the secure sharing of medical imaging information. The unique peer-to-peer technology of BEAM was developed to easily and rapidly transport studies electronically in situations where security and speed of delivery are critical to patient care. BEAM eliminates the delays and inefficiencies of medical CDs, compliments current workflow and maintains fully HIPAA compliant transfers. BEAM by OneMedNet is Secure Exchange Made Simple!™ Discover what BEAM can do for your healthcare enterprise at